Help needed!!!!

Help needed!!!!



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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Yes...another problem! After a weekend away in Oxford I have come back home with an unusual noise from the car. It sounds very similar to that of a squeaky water pump but the noise goes away when the clutch is depressed. The noise is intermittent when driving but coincides with the clutch pedal also sounding strained (an un-oiled type sound). I know that the 350i (87) has a hydraulic clutch but originally I thought that the cable was about to snap. Could this noise be a faulty clutch master cylinder or does the clutch slave cylinder need to be bled? Or is the problem something else all together?


1,165 posts

278 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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A dry clutch release bearing? Does the sound go away if you press the clutch slightly so that the bearing just contacts the pressure plate?
Cheers Steve Evans


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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Yes! That sounds like it. I only need to slightly press the clutch and the noise goes away. So what is the remedy then? Replacement or oiling \ greasing?


21,559 posts

295 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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You will just have to put up with it ... it's an
engine out job (12 ~ 15 hours) to fix it....



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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Yes...after taking the car to various sports car specialists this morning I have come to the conclusion I'm screwed! You were right, its a 3 day job with the engine out. Am I best off waiting for something serious to go wrong before getting it sorted or should this be done as soon as possible to avoid further damage? It had a new clutch after 10,000 miles but has only done 33,000 miles to date. I don't think I need another clutch just yet but it maybe worth replacing that at the same time?

>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Monday 18th February 18:15


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Monday 18th February 2002
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Rev-erend mentioned earlier it would take 12-15 hrs to replace the clutch. Christopher Neils came in at the award winning bid of £640 labour (not including parts! ) for three days work, as did Wedge Automotive but for half the price. The last time the car had the clutch replaced was back in '94 when David Hendry TVR took 4 hours to do the work. A local independent BMW garage (that oftens has Chimps and Griffs in) has quoted the same, 4 hours work and therefore only 1 day in and done! Does this sound right?
More importantly does this all need to be done? Is a noisy clutch release bearing worth the hassle or it is purely aurable asthetics. Will more damage be caused by leaving it?

>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Monday 18th February 20:45


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 21st February 2002
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If it is a new clutch job then with a Rover V8 car it is either an engine out or a move an engine to get clearance. With a Griff/Chimaera you can drop the box and it is a lot quicker and cheaper. Either way with a Wedge is not cheap as it involves a lot of labour. The details of both techniques are in the Wedge bible.

Tower View modified the 520 so that we can drop the gearbox from underneath as clutches are now declared a consumable. Got through 3 last year!



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Thursday 21st February 2002
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Thanks guys. The car is off to Wedge Automotive on Saturday morning to get sorted. No TVR for a week.


19 posts

295 months

Thursday 21st February 2002
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If its a noisy release bearing you should be able to pack it with grease by getting in through the bellhousing where the clutch fork goes in you may need to take the rubber cover off first if its got one


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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Tamsin is back from Wedge Automotive with a new AP clutch. It drives and feels great. So much lighter than the last clutch and no horrible release bearing noises. It was worth the money....a good job done!