


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Wednesday 13th February 2002
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Sorry about the numerous topics i am posting! Out of the blue my tappets have started to make a noise - what is the cause \ cure? Could this be linked to a recent service 2 weeks ago? It sounded sweet when I first got it back but not so great now.

If it helps the oil used was Vavolino 15/50 (is this a crappy oil? Should I have told them to use Mobil 1?)
Reading other TVR forums I have noticed this is a general problem - are the Wedge's tappets self-adjusting too? ie hydraulic

>>> Edited by Dave350iTVR on Wednesday 13th February 21:49


21,559 posts

295 months

Thursday 14th February 2002
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Dave - yes the tappets are hydraulic (unless someone has fitted solid lifters) - which is unlikely.

The thicker oil's are generally better - less oil consumption and this should be fine.

If you have a tappet noise - it could be a coincisence
but it would be worth checking oil level / pressure is

You should also consider taking it back to the garage who serviced it - play dumb and polite - it always gets
the best results.


Brm Brm

217 posts

285 months

Thursday 14th February 2002
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Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs but check your exhaust gaskets - a blowing exhaust gasket can sound v'like a noisy tappet on these engines and they do blow "suddenly". I speak from experience......!


Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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Brm Brm was right...what sounded like tappets was actually an exhaust gasket blowing. This has been replaced and the car is sounding sweet again.