Raising the door

Raising the door



Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Wednesday 13th February 2002
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I have got Steve Heath's excellent book on Wedges and it does talk about how to lower or raise the level of the door. The passenger door does not shut as well as the drivers door - I believe that the door needs to be raised to remedy the problem. How easy is this in practise? Should the top hinge bolts have play in them or should they be tight? At the moment there is a fair deal of play in the top hinge bolts. While the hinge bracket to side, it seems impossible to get at the second bolt. Is this a job for the professionals? Or should I give it a go?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 14th February 2002
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It is either a 15 minute job afterwhich you say what's all the fuss about or a 2 hour job where the door is in a worse condition and you which you had got the pros in!

If you do it yourself you will need a second pair of hands. Also don't do this on axle stands as the body flexes and the door may even jam when they are removed!



2,869 posts

293 months

Friday 15th February 2002
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I have just published an article on Wedge doors on the website, it has a few other points to look out for as well.

You will find it under the Maintenance tab.




Original Poster:

126 posts

279 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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Wedge Automotive sorted this out while the car was in for clutch work.