help need a ball joint for 400 se tvr

help need a ball joint for 400 se tvr


cj morgan

Original Poster:

14 posts

276 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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hi please help me my 400se
needs a new front drivers side new ball joint
one i dont no how much they are two where can i get it
from and what part number it is or is it a ford part
off a granada please can you help chris

Brm Brm

217 posts

284 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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Ring Wedge Automotive 0114 281 7507 - tell Richard what you want and I'm sure he will be able to oblige!
You might also want to check out their website.

cj morgan

Original Poster:

14 posts

276 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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thanks brmm


3,799 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th February 2002
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Its off a Mk5 Ford Cortina, although you can get MkII granada ones to fit if you're prepared to slot the 2 smaller mounting holes. This doesn't change the geometery as I did this to mine (after the original broke!) and I wanted something beefier. I know the geometery was ok as I has the car 4 wheel alignment checked before and after I fitted the new joints.



349 posts

286 months

Friday 15th February 2002
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I assume you mean suspension ball joint? Upper or lower? If its steering ball joint youre after then That too is MKIV/V Cortina or MK II Granada. I can let you know the Quinton Hazell Part No for that if you need it. HTH Andy