LPG Tasmin 280i 2+2

LPG Tasmin 280i 2+2


JJ wilko

Original Poster:

9 posts

277 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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I would like to know if conversion is feasible - and any reputable companies?


1,763 posts

276 months

Thursday 14th March 2002
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Can't say about a TVR ... I had a Nissan Primera converted, bit of a nightmare. Uses too much fuel, power drops without warning when the tank is getting empty, stalls at idle ... the company that did it went bust and I'm told by someone else that the system they used was crap, basically. Maybe that's why they went bust.

I know this is for a Nissan but the 280 will be even more sensitive to being fiddled with. If you want to do it make sure you get a converting company with experience of the same engine - Ford V6 after all - and get references from other satisfied customers.