good tvr garages in Bristol area

good tvr garages in Bristol area


JJ wilko

Original Poster:

9 posts

276 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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Just got aTasmin 280i 2+2 - can anyone recommend someone to service it and is there an owners club locally?


34,444 posts

313 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
quotequote all do servicing


2,238 posts

293 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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The TVRCC website will give details of the regional groups, can't say which is nearest without knowing where you are.


1,844 posts

278 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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go to search for roath garage cardiff, specialising in TVR. Peter is his name, top bloke and service.


480 posts

281 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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Also worth trying Peninsula down in Cullompton, Devon, independent TVR specialist and is willing to trailer your car there and back. Your nearest TVR main dealer is David Hendry in Malmesbury, Wilts.

Brm Brm

217 posts

284 months

Sunday 10th February 2002
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Bristol region meets every 3rd sunday lunchtime at the Golden Heart, Downs Rd, Winterbourne Down (about half a mile from the ring road). Full details in Sprint or on the TVRCC Bristol Region web site - see you there!

Servicing for older cars is tricky - I tried Peninsular and would not go there again! For older cars I suggest trying David Geralds although its a bit of a hike up the M5 (My SEAC is currently being refurbished there so I'll be able to give a better idea in a couple of months time, but, so far so good!)


2,190 posts

279 months

Monday 11th February 2002
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Brm Brm forgot to mention - you can check out what Bristol region are up to at

Hope to see you there