Stiil got a battery problem

Stiil got a battery problem



Original Poster:

170 posts

278 months

Wednesday 6th February 2002
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The battery of my 280i is still not always loading. The battery is new and the altenator is checked. They all seem to be ok.
In the beginning, when the car is just started, the battery is loading. But after a while the indicator is flickering and the voltage drops to zero.

Futher information can you read in my other topics

Any ideas?
I start to be desperate


14,944 posts

280 months

Thursday 7th February 2002
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Assuming you have good continuitity on all the relevant wires/cables/earth straps then it is almost certainly a faulty alternator. I had this on an old Ford of mine once. The alternator seemed fine when first started but as it got hot something began to breakdown inside and charging was lost.
Andy 400se


Original Poster:

170 posts

278 months

Thursday 7th February 2002
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It's found (we think).
When took out the alternator to test it, we cleaned up everything.
When we replaced the alternator we discoverd it's laoding again.