handling on a 280 fhc series 1

handling on a 280 fhc series 1



Original Poster:

1,474 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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A friend has a 280fhc series 1.
Q what is the anti roll bar from.
Q Has anyone changed the anti roll bar for a different type and what results did you get.
QAny rear trailing arm mod suggestions

Iam on a limited budget so i want to do / manufacture myself, so buy from wedge auto etc no use


8,507 posts

282 months

Tuesday 29th January 2002
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The roll bar is a TVR special.
Changing it will alter the handling appreciably but you should only do this if you have a specific problem and then can use the ARB to tune out the characteristic. Look at replacing all the bushes and making sure the rest of the system is OK first.

Tower View do a rear stay bar that bolts on and helps prevent the rear arm from moving sideways.
