Dashboard lights

Dashboard lights



Original Poster:

126 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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The petrol gauge light has gone out - how do I replace the light behind the dash? All the other gauges work okay.


3,799 posts

289 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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You can just remove the light holder out from the gauge by twisting it 90°, the bulbs are little 2.5w jobs that you can get from any decent motor factor. The only fiddly part is gettign to the bulb holder in the first place, lots of lieing on your back with head in the footwell, bit of a recipe for a stiff neck I'm afraid.



Original Poster:

126 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Hi Matt,
I'm afraid I'm all a bit new to this car maintenance stuff; so from what you said I don’t need to take the dash off? I get at it from underneath the footwell? Can it be seen from under there? Or is it a case of feel your way around?


Original Poster:

126 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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It's cold, it's dark and I've been outside on my back looking up from the footwell at the fuel gauge! Actually I got a good look at the gauge and could see three spade connectors connecting to the back of the gauge but I couldn't turn it 90 degrees or see where a light holder may be. My dials are VDO - are these different to yours Matt?


3,799 posts

289 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Try turning the side-lights on, the glow from the other instruments should help you see whats going on. My gauges are also VDO and you should find the bulb holder above the 3 spades,black plastic doobry with 2 wires going into it.



Original Poster:

126 posts

278 months

Tuesday 29th January 2002
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Its getting that black plastic thing out that is causing me the problems! I've tried turning, pulling, pushing - it won't budge! Any tips?


36,010 posts

294 months

Tuesday 29th January 2002
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Is it a push and turn type? Gently mind.


Original Poster:

126 posts

278 months

Tuesday 29th January 2002
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Thanks for your help guys! I have replaced the bulb and everything works fine again. Could you believe that a Cheshire based TVR dealer - no names! - told me originally that it would take an hour to fix and that they could fit me in next week....yeah right! I didn't wait to hear their price estimate.

Thanks again, Dave.