how much can you sell for 400se

how much can you sell for 400se


c j morgan

Original Poster:

44 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Paid 9750 for a 80000 but body work and mech bits in tip top condition.
Mind you got stitched on the engine but thats another story.


11,822 posts

295 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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If standard, expect to pay about 8-8.5k for average condition/mileage.


1,844 posts

279 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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CJ you buying or selling?


11,822 posts

295 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Just bought actually. 400SE but with a 4.6l replacement.


113 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Just sold ours for £9250.00 with 46k on the clock vgc.


113 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Just sold ours for £9250.00 with 46k on the clock vgc offered £7k by a dealer!


113 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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Just posted to this thread TWICE - Ted whats going wrong!!!

we have just sold our 400SE for £9250.00 with 46k on the clock but we were offered £7k by a dealer!


13 posts

278 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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I paid 8,200 a couple of weeks ago. 54,000 FSH & absolutly mint. Was on offer at £12,500 though !


1,844 posts

279 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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hurry up and get a photo attached phil so we can take a look at your pride and joy

rory d

21 posts

277 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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well chris i will give a fiver cash, cant say fairer than than that!!!!!!!


13 posts

278 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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hurry up and get a photo attached phil so we can take a look at your pride and joy

Photos comming soon (when the weather clears up.. snowing at the moment !) as well as detials of supercharger install.