tvr in JERSEY

tvr in JERSEY


c j morgan

Original Poster:

44 posts

277 months

Saturday 26th January 2002
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113 posts

277 months

Saturday 26th January 2002
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What you brought your car from crappo land! No seriously there are plenty of Tiv's in Jersey, not quite so many over here in sister island Guernsey though - on one Cerbie as far as we know and certainly less than a handful of wedges. quite a few S's though.


113 posts

277 months

Saturday 26th January 2002
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Sorry just re-read your thread - would have though that there we quite a few wedges. As mentioned before on other thread's there are only two 400se's in Guernsey and as Jersey's twice the size I would have thought that there would be more...


36,010 posts

294 months

Saturday 26th January 2002
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Just start it up and they will come...
they will come.

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

294 months

Sunday 27th January 2002
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There is a 420 SEAC , because i nearly bought it many years ago and it was still there a year ago