Power steering unit.

Power steering unit.



Original Poster:

270 posts

277 months

Friday 25th January 2002
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Is there someone out there who can tell me from which car the power steering unit is from on a 1990/1991 RHD 400/430 model.
The same question for the sqaure headlamps and track rod ends.


3,799 posts

289 months

Sunday 27th January 2002
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I think the power steering pump is off a Rover SD1 with a Cortina Mk5 Steering rack, The track rod ends are Mk2 Ford Granada, and I'm not sure but I thnk the square headlamps are Austin Allegro.



8,507 posts

282 months

Monday 28th January 2002
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I think the power steering pump is off a Rover SD1 with a Cortina Mk5 Steering rack, The track rod ends are Mk2 Ford Granada, and I'm not sure but I thnk the square headlamps are Austin Allegro.

There have been at least five different PAS racks used on these cars and the track rod ends are different. Yes the manual cars do use these and the Cortina rack cars (actually very few made) use them but the others don't.

The racks have come from Rover and then been modified some. The last two I have had ended up being custom made as a result from a big bag of bits. Another case of take off and match I'm afraid. Alternatively get them from TVR and save the hassle.
