Chassis Work

Chassis Work



Original Poster:

45 posts

277 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Had a look under the car today and was saddened by the amount of rust on the chassis. What can I do to sort it out? There are no holes or badly corroded areas although the coating from the outriggers is shot away in some areas. The A frame is corroded, again with no holes.

I'm thinking about stripping the affected areas back then using jenolite followed by hammerorite or waxoyl.
Any ideas. The car's 12 years old and was recently bought from a reputable dealer.


2,869 posts

291 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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I got a couple of articles on chassis repairs and some pics of owners cars that have been done.

Give it a whirl.



3,792 posts

288 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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I'm afraid the plastic coating TVR use isn't much cop, the good news is if its just surface rust just clean it up and black hammerite over the top. As the chassis tubes are pretty heavy duty, the real place to check is the outriggers hidden underneath the sill covers. Drill the pop rivets off and have a look.


Neil Hyde

101 posts

285 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Mike ,
Had a look at Mr. Smileys SEAC today at Peninsula . He's lucky I drove off in my Chimp !!!!!!!!