350i Exhaust

350i Exhaust



Original Poster:

3 posts

276 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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I have a Series 2 350i and am in need of an exhaust. Speed ramps have ensured that the bottom 3 inches of mine got ground off prematurely!! Does anybody know where I can get a complete system? The mainfolds seem OK, I just need everything backwards from there. I was thinking about a sports system (ie, more noise...) - are these recommended? I don't really want to go to a general tyre and exhaust company as they may try to get a second rate system to fit with the help of a hammer.

Wedge Automotive used to sell some systems, but I don't seem to be able to get through to them. Wondered if they are still around.

My car has done 143,000 miles now and is still going strong. And they dared to question the build quality!

Best regards



36,010 posts

293 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
quotequote all
look under stainles
PS I cint spil

Edited by jmorgan on Sunday 13th January 00:34

Edited by jmorgan on Sunday 13th January 00:35


2,190 posts

276 months

Sunday 13th January 2002
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I'm a new member, I had to join so I could suggest PD Gough and Associates for an exhaust. See their webpage for details at www.pdgough.com . It has a lifetime transferable guarantee. I got mine from them a few years ago and have had no problems. They fitted it or can deliver.


Original Poster:

3 posts

276 months

Monday 14th January 2002
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Hi guys,

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll do some phoning to see what I can get.

I too have only just joined the forum having had my car for almost 5 years. Reading through all the topics, its amazing how many other people have experienced all the same problems as me.




164 posts

293 months

Tuesday 15th January 2002
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Try Tim at ACT he can get exhaust systems and fit them if you wish - 07903 585 048

He's done some silencers for me for my SEAC.


Rus Wood

1,233 posts

276 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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I got a SS exhaust from PD Gough as the first replacement exhaust for my 390SE over 10 years ago, I went back and got them to fit manifolds when they rusted through. I am perfectly satisfied with them both - and they sound good too.