FHC window frames

FHC window frames



Original Poster:

3 posts

276 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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8 posts

276 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Hens teeth man, absolute hens teeth. One can only hope that with the Tasmin Challenge, these cars will become more popular and somebody may re-make the frames (but I suppose these racing guys don't have any windows in anyway). I know the frames and the glass generally are a problem with the FHC, I know because I looked at loads (including the very last one built which was G Reg 390 in yellow with a full 400 chassis) before having to buy a 400SE DHC. Its very very hard having to go for a convertable, when all I really wanted was a coupe. Anybody got a good 350i FHC out there, that I could buy to go with the 400SE, one for the winter and one for the summer?


856 posts

291 months

Thursday 10th January 2002
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Pankers is right, they are very rare to come across. You may be able to get someone to make you a new set using your old ones as templates, but it will cost for one offs !!

