steve heaths 520

steve heaths 520



Original Poster:

14 posts

276 months

Friday 4th January 2002
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are there any pictures of the high intensity non pop up head lights that i have just read about in a earlier message that are possibly on steve heaths car, sounds a good idea, my lights are rubbish - even with 80/100 bulbs and using some modified porsche924 head lamps.


8,507 posts

281 months

Monday 7th January 2002
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The faired in lights on my 520 are not high intensity - the lighting is about the same as the normal lights. No doubt there are better lights available today but that was not the reason I did the mod. It was to remove about 30 lbs weight from the nose of the car!



86 posts

277 months

Monday 7th January 2002
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i love the looks of the swap, how hard was it to do and how did you go about it.
mike kenney


8,507 posts

281 months

Wednesday 9th January 2002
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It took about a month as the positioning and engineering has to be pretty exact to get a legal(ish) beam pattern. I didn't want the car to attract any ontoward attention. Ended up parking the car in front of a wall, and marking where the beams went. Remove one pod and maesure to find suitable lights that will fit. Make temp mounts and work out how to get the beam pattern. Measure position and get into some serious ally bashing to make inserts. Fitting is a swine as was getting some connectors to match the original wiring. As the 520 has been lowered by some 3-4 inches, my dimensions and position will not be the same as for a standard car.

Tower View did consider making some GRP inserts based on my design but there was insufficient interest to make it viable.
