gear boxes

gear boxes



Original Poster:

14 posts

276 months

Friday 4th January 2002
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just been looking at some of the old messages and have noticed that more of you have had more than one gear box fitted, i have had three in and they have all been rubish, does anyone know if it is possible to fit the borg warner t5 box like in the newer griffs/chimps etc?


8,507 posts

281 months

Saturday 5th January 2002
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Of course a T5 can be fitted but the propshaft, gearbox, bell housing will need to be modified which makes it a pretty expensive option. Also the gearing is a bit higher which will probably take the edge of its acceleration. The gear lever could be intereting as the Wedges use an offset lever where the Griffs etc don't.

The LT77 box can be pretty reliable if it is rebuilt correctly and its weak points strengthened up. Both Pete Humphries and my 520 have had this done by Tower View and the boxes have been fine. Bearing in mind the treatment we give them that must mean something.
