next problem: Left window

next problem: Left window



Original Poster:

170 posts

277 months

Thursday 3rd January 2002
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The left window of my 280 doesn't work sometimes. We think that the connection to the switch isn't so good. But how can I repair the problem without consuming the interior, like the tunnel (is this the right name?)

I hope I don't bother you with my questions. I ordered a Wedge book this week, but it takes a few weeks till I get it.


19 posts

293 months

Thursday 3rd January 2002
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The problem is probably a dirty switch because of the way they are designed and the way they are placed they tend to get very dirty also the actual bronze connectors are crimped in place inside the switch and can come loose if this is the problem a small dap of solder will cure it.Failing that you could buy a new switch,but check the wireing before spending money!.If the switches are on a steel plate behind the handbrake the way to get them out is carefully take out the bottom of the cassete holder {rearmost of the centre consol} then you should see a screw undo that and you should be able to lift the consol enough to get underneith .Either take the offending switch out or take the complete switch panel out it is held in place with a couple of nuts.Once the switch is out carefully take it to bits and clean every thing with fine wete/dry somthing like 1500 and check the crimped terminals like i have said all being well you should not have anymore problems{with that part of the car anyway!!!}.You can also get special switch contack grease it may pay to use this it stop switch contacts from burning


Original Poster:

170 posts

277 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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All the electric stuff which is related to the window is checked and seems to be. Is it possible that the mechanism isn't working properly? Or maybe the earthing?

Edited by Cathelijne on Friday 11th January 19:54


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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I had a problem that when the window reached the bottom it jammed, I had to take out the mech and release it. On the bench with a power supply it was OK, it seemed to be the wieght. This was on a 350I and it was a sealed unit and all electrical seemd OK. The only option I had was to find a replacement or not wind it all the way down. The switches I replaced, buying from a firm that installed electric windows as an option and had the same in stock as TVR. Not much help to you but my experience with the buggers.


Original Poster:

170 posts

277 months

Saturday 12th January 2002
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It's possible that the weight is the problem, but then we got another problem: it's gone, the cable has broken a long time ago...
Another strange thing is: Most of the time it worked. Till now, the last few days it isn't going up or down.