280i fuel injection help??????????
i have been playing w/ my 85 280i thats been sitting around for a few years. i am wondering how to get fuel to my injectors and into my motor. i tested the injectors and they are fine. i have good fuel pressure all around but i dont have any fuel pressure what so ever comming out of the fuel distributor. the prssure is good comming into but will not come out of the distributor and to the injectors. what is wrong and what should i try? i think that once i get fuel into my cylinders the car will run perfect. please let me know if you have any thoughts
mike kenney
mike kenney
Mikek -
Have you tried manually moving the fuel distributor piston? Remove the filter cover and lift the air sensor plate arm gently several times (with the engine off!), this will raise and lower the fuel actuator piston which may be "gunked-up" after sitting so long. If the car subsequently starts and runs rough, try using concentrated techron fuel cleaner for awhile. Hopefully your fuel distbutor seals are still okay, if you see fuel leaking from the below piston then its time for a fuel distributor rebuild.
Hope this helps,
Have you tried manually moving the fuel distributor piston? Remove the filter cover and lift the air sensor plate arm gently several times (with the engine off!), this will raise and lower the fuel actuator piston which may be "gunked-up" after sitting so long. If the car subsequently starts and runs rough, try using concentrated techron fuel cleaner for awhile. Hopefully your fuel distbutor seals are still okay, if you see fuel leaking from the below piston then its time for a fuel distributor rebuild.
Hope this helps,
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