How do wedges compare?

How do wedges compare?



Original Poster:

14,918 posts

279 months

Monday 10th December 2001
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It's been about 6 years since I sold my Chim 4.3, and I've owned my 400se for about 3 years now. The thing is, as I was driving around this weekend it struck me that I couldn't really remember my Chim being any faster than the 400 on the delightfull roads of rural Derbyshire. I am sure the Chim was smoother and more comfortable, but was it actually quicker?
I may just have a faulty memory, but 0 - 60 times aside, how does the real world performance (30 - 50 accleration etc) of a non cat wedge (say a 400se) compare to a Chim or Griff?


6,025 posts

292 months

Tuesday 11th December 2001
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how does the real world performance (30 - 50 accleration etc) of a non cat wedge (say a 400se) compare to a Chim or Griff?

The 400 is quite potent, ive been on a few blasts and people always underestemate the power of the wedge. I would say that personally, if you put a 400SE ( 390too ) against a chimp400 / griff400, then you will see a difference in favour of the wedge. I know the bigger wedges (450 & SEAC's)scare a lot of 500 drivers.
Incidently, anyone who was at the Kemble track day last year will have seen Patrick Deary's SEAC wipe the floor accelerating down the straights with everything else that was running


513 posts

293 months

Tuesday 11th December 2001
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On the way back from Le Mans 2000, I was following a friend who was in his Griff 500, and kept with him all the way up to 150.
At Duxford this year, I kept with him until I had to change into 5th.


2,504 posts

292 months

Tuesday 11th December 2001
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Ah ha - Mr Vaughan returns....where have you been? There is an outstanding question from me to you on the 'WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE WEDGE ?' thread (see 1st Nov), over to you!

Brm Brm

217 posts

283 months

Thursday 13th December 2001
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With the caveat that wedge and probably Chimp power outputs do vary between cars I can give a fairly definitive answer to the 400SE v 4l Chimp question. The answer is that my old 400 was marginally slower than my brothers 4l chimp when we set out to find out just that on the dual Carriagway hill heading North out of Henley. Starting from 2nd at about 30mph he was able to pull out about 2 car lengths over a mile. Now he hadn't had his long and mine was overdue tuning so I would say that the answer for standard cars is that its probably too close to call with little if any real difference.

Interstingly (and Patrick will probably back me up here after playing at Duxford) the difference betrween some of the 5.0l Griffs is quite noticeable. Even on straight line acceleration runs I could stay with some but not others. Spooky eh! Couldnt keep up with a certain lime green Cerbera a couple of years ago either for some reason!!


3,829 posts

283 months

Thursday 13th December 2001
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On the way back from Le Mans 2000, I was following a friend who was in his Griff 500, and kept with him all the way up to 150.

Couple of F*uckin nutters, you really are! I remember that Pat! That shouldn't be possible!!! Your car is bloody awesome! Hows your exhauast now? Was it not draggin or hangin a tad lowlast year??


513 posts

293 months

Monday 17th December 2001
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Good to hear from ya tvradict

The exhaust still grounds out, the engine's in need of a tune-up, but it's still loud as ever !! I'm debating whether to get some titanium plates for the exhaust
Any chance you'll be making a trip to Duxford in '02 ??

Edited by patrick on Monday 17th December 05:49


11,822 posts

293 months

Monday 17th December 2001
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Well, having had a 390SE and a 500 Griff (Griff quicker btw.), I'm off to pick up my 460SE on Wednesday.

No, that's not a typo! 4.6l crossbolted, steel crank bottom end, fully lightened and balanced. John Eales big valve ported/flowed heads and Mark Adams ECU. AP race clutch etc.etc.etc.

The engine is still being run-in (only done 100 miles!) and it needs rolling roading once it's bedded, but I reckon it should go like sh** off a stick. Flames should be good too

Keep an eye on Pistonheads in the near future for a feature on the car.


Car No. 13


11,822 posts

293 months

Wednesday 19th December 2001
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Well, picked up the car yesterday!

First impressions are that the engine feels totally different to the 390SE and even the Griff. There's almost no engine braking (lightened and balanced) and the throttle response from what I could tell (trying not to load the engine whilst running in) is almost fly by wire.

Need a long blast to get the miles on it!


Car No. 13