Swan neck filler cap

Swan neck filler cap



Original Poster:

14,949 posts

281 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Any one got a clue which cap is used on the swan neck on a 91 400se? It looks like a radiator cap but it has no pressure valve bit.
The rubber is perished on mine and its leaking a bit. Is it a standard ford article? Is it a special TVR unit? can I get it from my local motor factors?

Andy 400se


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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I took my 350 one down the local factors and it was off the shelf. Matched it up at the shop.


Original Poster:

14,949 posts

281 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Ta muchly!

Andy 400se

nick heppinstall

8,365 posts

291 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Andy. Let me know if you need any info. I always carry a spare around with me ! Can mail you when I get in.


467 posts

269 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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I had the same problem with my 350, the coolant leaks from underneath the filler cap. After some searching it appears to be a QH part, i bought a new one and have had no problems since. If you need the number let me know, i'll find out which number it is.



Original Poster:

14,949 posts

281 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Got One!

Thanks everyone.
Nearly time to start the long (65miles) noisy (roof off) drive home.
can't wait !

Andy 400se


1,493 posts

274 months

Thursday 17th April 2003
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Same problem with my 350i. Quinton Hazell part no is QH57 or the Powertrain equivalent, which I had to use 'cos the QH one was not available at the time, is PCRC1.
