SEAC owners registration

SEAC owners registration



Original Poster:

925 posts

263 months

Tuesday 15th April 2003
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5 years ago I bought a (original)420 SEAC and I nearly finished the car after putting a new nose on and a respray in black !!
There are not a lot of SEACs around, so I wondered if there is someone with a list of all SEAC owners !!!

I am asking this to collect a good back-up in adresses for example : spare parts, technical advise, wiring diagram etc...

William Waardenburg
The Netherlands


2,190 posts

280 months

Tuesday 15th April 2003
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Hi! I don't know of an up to date register, but help and advice is easy - you have come to the right place!

There are a lot of really knowledgeable SEAC and big wedge enthusuiasts posting on this site, though I don't class myself as one of them. Ask away...

Tim Lamont posts on PH regularly and he is about the closest I know of to someone who knows where all the SEACs are.

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Tuesday 15th April 2003
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Well a bit out of touch these days, a chap i knew well had the SEAC register, back in the early 90's since then the only official registrar is Mervin Larner ( TVR club ) In my day to day work i have come across or know of half,and still know plenty of the owners,
As and when anybody wants to hold a gathering i can forward info etc.
Currently without a SEAC and getting withdrawal symtoms,


782 posts

274 months

Thursday 17th April 2003
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2 sheds's got it. Why not a) set up a gathering of SEAC's, Ask Mervin to join with a list of known owners, the gathering can edit and add to it. The TVRCC could then officially, go via the DVLA to ascertain write off's and perhaps get details of ownwers for the club to contact and we may then get a full list!! Just a thought!


513 posts

295 months

Thursday 17th April 2003
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It's got my vote .. the pictures .. the noise !! hmm, wonder how many SEAC's you could fit side by side down a runway .. must be able to beat three

brm brm

217 posts

285 months

Friday 18th April 2003
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Cant think what you are talking about Patrick.......