Whats compliance bushes, precious?

Whats compliance bushes, precious?



Original Poster:

260 posts

267 months

Monday 14th April 2003
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I've not come across the term before, until I was at RT Racing the other day. My mate had taken in his V8S for a new set of bushes, an di had gone in the wej to bring him home again...nothing to do with it being glorious sunshine and a trip over the Snake, obviously.

So there's Richard saying soething to Mark (Ren Dao), and I'm not really listening, and he says 'A bit like the compliance bushes on your car' looking at me.

I'm pretty sure I know all my bushes. But what i don't know is which ones go by the name 'compliance'.


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 14th April 2003
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Arn't they the ones on the end of the tie bar that goes between the hub and chassis? Bushes at the chassis end.