Damn thing won't start!!

Damn thing won't start!!



Original Poster:

599 posts

264 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
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Just as I was feeling a bit clever that I had used my limited mechanical skills to replace the otter swich and fit a fan override on my 350 now it won't start.

Starter motor is turning engine over, can smell fuel being pumped and have tested that sparks are being created but it still refuses to start.

Has anyone any advice on the sorts of things I should be checking? It was working fine about a week ago so can't think what might of gone wrong. Battery power quite low but still generating sparks/turning engine over so presumably that is not an issue??

Any tips gratefully reveived.



6,034 posts

269 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
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might not be turning it over quick enough?

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
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Have you taken any spark plugs out ? to see if they arre wet with fuel, you may have fuel pressure but injectors not working ,
Was it always perfect until you worked on it ? its possible you've moved a loose wire / dislodged a plug to something, check the fuel resistor pack on the n/s inner wing it has a large multi pin plug which may have been disturbed ???


Original Poster:

599 posts

264 months

Saturday 12th April 2003
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2 sheds said: Have you taken any spark plugs out ? to see if they arre wet with fuel, you may have fuel pressure but injectors not working ,
Was it always perfect until you worked on it ? its possible you've moved a loose wire / dislodged a plug to something, check the fuel resistor pack on the n/s inner wing it has a large multi pin plug which may have been disturbed ???

Tim thanks for this. Spark plugs are wet so that seems to rule out dodgy injectors. I suspect dislodged wire/plug may be source of problem, as I could well of done this when I fed fan override cables through to cockpit. Starting was never a problem beforehand!

What does fuel resistor pack do and what does it look like? - under my passenger glove box it is a complete 'maze of cables' - not helped by previous fitment of 2 alarms, mobile phone and radio/cd player loom.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 13th April 2003
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Resistor pack is mount on the nearside wing near the air filter.

Just trace your steps back and see what you may have dislodged

david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Sunday 13th April 2003
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Its been a while since i had my loverly 390se, where is the fan relay? Just wondered if it was in the footwell as in Grif an Chim(sorry Chimaera).


Original Poster:

599 posts

264 months

Sunday 13th April 2003
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Checked fuel resistor pack wiring, checked for any other loose cables, checked all fuses, charged battery up but still no joy. Running out of options that are within my technical grasp - motor turns over, splutters occasionally but firmly refuses to start.

Assuming I am facing an electrical gremlin, is this the sort of thing the AA could tackle or should I be using someone with expertise in rover v8s only?


2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Sunday 13th April 2003
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OK, might be ignition component , such as module ( on the side of distributor) what state are the cap & leads & coil in ? have they been changed recently. AA should be able to establish the problem , maybe..


Original Poster:

599 posts

264 months

Friday 18th April 2003
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Latest update - changed ignition module, changed spark plugs and it exploded into life. The simplest things!! - I really had been suffering withdrawl symptoms from that noise.



11,352 posts

275 months

Friday 18th April 2003
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Planman350i said: Latest update - changed ignition module, changed spark plugs and it exploded into life. The simplest things!! - I really had been suffering withdrawl symptoms from that noise.


c u soon then(lois22 speak)? get booked up for those events!


Original Poster:

599 posts

264 months

Friday 18th April 2003
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Will do (bucket and spade run hopefully). Meanwhile I feel a long drive coming on today.........