Fitting a clutch to a Tasmin/280?
I'm considering buying a S2 Tasmin/280i that needs a bit of work. Its mainly small niggles apart from the clutch that needs replacement.
I've had a look around the web but can't find details on how easy it is to change the clutch. Can anyone give me an indication and if not DIY, approx costs to have it done?
I'm considering buying a S2 Tasmin/280i that needs a bit of work. Its mainly small niggles apart from the clutch that needs replacement.
I've had a look around the web but can't find details on how easy it is to change the clutch. Can anyone give me an indication and if not DIY, approx costs to have it done?
I'm considering buying a S2 Tasmin/280i that needs a bit of work. Its mainly small niggles apart from the clutch that needs replacement.
I've had a look around the web but can't find details on how easy it is to change the clutch. Can anyone give me an indication and if not DIY, approx costs to have it done?
Yes, you can do it yourself BUT the proper way involves an engine crane and a flat road (I know, I used to live on a hill

It's a bog-standard Ford Granada clutch: shop around and you should get a clutch kit for about 80 quid (maybe you know a good motor factor already).
I did the entire job single-handed: a day to get the engine out and clean some bits up, and a day to put it all back together and rejoice over a pint. About 12 quid a day to hire the crane.
Otherwise, budget for about 10 hours labour if you go to a garage.
(There is talk of some 'improper' ways: one involves cutting the chassis and welding it back up afterwards - not recommended, and the other involves much contortionism, hands like a paedophile etc. to dismantle enough of the car to pull the gearbox back in the chassis.)
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