pod help me.............................

pod help me.............................



Original Poster:

27 posts

272 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Any suggestions chaps.....rushed around this week to get 350 s2 to MOT all booked in ,run through before taking it down and low and behold drivers headlight pod will not lift.Have checked fuse, swapped relays and all to no avail.Decided to manually raise pod but adjuster just turning.Pulled out "bible" and realised that to get pod out you hane to get it to raise first!!
Any ideas chaps before i get my angle grinder out!!!
I am pi--ed off because the car was working fine until layed up for the winter.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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If the manual adjuster ain't doin it,then try disconnecting the link from the motor to the pod and then you should be able to raise the unit. Access is difficult though.

The adjuster may need many turns and you could try the other way! You could also try getting someone to try and lift the pod while the adjuster is turned, that might also help. Finally try the adjuster with the motor fuse removed so that no power can get to it.


Original Poster:

27 posts

272 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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thanks Steve will give your suggestions ago, it just couldn`t have timed it better! Still i suppose thats what wedge ownership is about!


26,519 posts

269 months

Friday 11th April 2003
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Make sure your pushing the knob up as you turn it.