What does yours drink?

What does yours drink?


ric p

Original Poster:

625 posts

280 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Currently have a standard 400se which converts fuel to noise beautifully but wondered what people thought was the best fuel for it - LRP, Super or Optimax etc.
Whilst we are at it, any good ideas for mods. that will not break the bank - Tornado chip, brakes and suspension etc. How did you get on and were they worth it.
Cheers for your ideas.


970 posts

270 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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I use Optimax in my 400 and runs fine.
No pinking even when and hot under load.


21,563 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Optimax or LRP... it does not seem to mind either.

Mods - I think the best mod is the brakes :

I've changed to Tarox fast road pads all round with
Goodrich stainless hoses all round.

Really makes the brakes feel much better.

Also changed the suspension for AVO adjustables with
new springs all round. Have not had time to make
any adjustments yet but its a bit hard and bumpy
at the moment.

Everything else is pretty standard .. even spent a
small fortune having the wheels refurbished....

could have bought a new set for the same cost !


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Mine mostly lives on straight unleaded as out here in the sticks there is no alternative unless I go for a very long drive. The trusty Rover V8 can take it without modification.

Roll bar was the best mod I've had done, real peace of mind. Ever tried hood on, windows down on a rough road and looked at the way the top of the windscreen flexes


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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I am on unleaded.
But am I right in thinking (after other topics here) that LRP has no BS standard and is corrosive to certain rubber compounds, like petrol pipes?
As for mods, how bigs your wallet?


599 posts

264 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Running on unleaded and seems fine.

Can't comment on cost/effectiveness of mods as all were done by previous owner of my car. Would be interested to hear anyone elses comments on Tornado ECU though....


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Cheapest Unleaded I can find.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Optimax or LRP, seems a bit smoother on the Optimax. No pinking since I sorted the cooling.