The Joy of a Working Wedge

The Joy of a Working Wedge



Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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After 4 weeks without my car I finally fitted my new tie rod to my car. Went out for a quick blast on my favourite local road and was reminded once more why I bought the car in the first place. Just picking the right gear through corners and blasting past the apex, backing off at high revs hearing the car pop and fart round the tighter corners. Who needs a stereo? God I love my wedge! Everytime I drive it I love it a little bit more.


354 posts

268 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Who needs a stereo? Why have one, you can't hear it anyway!


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Welcom back to the world of 40 mile trips to the local shop (if you live in the outback, 4000 mile trips)


421 posts

274 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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My 350i came with a jolly good sound system with a mini-disk player! It's really good sound....if you are parked...
Has anyone got a mini-disk recorder?


Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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I've got a mini disc recorder. I have been using mini disc in my cars for years. I find it is the only format that doesn't skip. CD players in sports cars are useless, especially my TVR as the suspension is racing spec with poly bushes. It had a CD fitted when I bought the car - my first mod was to replace it with a MD.


26,902 posts

276 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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I was out in the 390 last night: meeting with a few local Tiv-heads.
Went out with the roof off, pair of gloves, heater on full blast. Comae out of the meeting place ;-) to find frost on the cars
Had a good blast back via some twisties; the car stuck a lot better than I expected it to given how cold it was.
Strangely, at the moment I am running without the antiroll bar, and I'd swear the handling is better a lot of the time - less crashy as well.

Oh yes, and my CD player skips like an 8-year-old on the way to Gary Glitter's house...



danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th April 2003
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Does the car turn in better without the anti roll bar?
