Where is my old 450 SEAC

Where is my old 450 SEAC



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1,050 posts

293 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2001
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I used to own a 89 450 SEAC. it was specially made by TVR for me through Haughins in Barrow. It had a compartment in the centre tunnel for my phone with a lock on it and amps hidden in the boot behind false rear bulkhead. It was in blue with cream/blue leather interior. The car was featured in Auto Express middle pages, I had a private reg so do not know present one. I sold it to Harrogate Horseless carriages I think around 90/91. If somebody has the car or knows of its whereabouts please reply. I now have a Red Rose Tuscan but loved the SEAC.


279 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2001
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Call richard at Peninsula on 01884 35341
This sound exactly like the car we are rebuilding at the moment