Engine oil capacity

Engine oil capacity



Original Poster:

488 posts

286 months

Tuesday 8th April 2003
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Just a quickie!

How much oil does your engine hold? The 350i handbook for my car said that the sump capacity was 4.5 litres, and I would hazard a guess that the oil filter held a further 0.5 litres.

When I changed the oil at the weekend a good 7 litres went in before the thing was full. In fact, after 5.5 litres it hadn't even started to register on the dipstick.

Does everyone else have to put this much oil into their car?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 8th April 2003
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Don't forget the piping to the remote filter - also have you got an oil cooler?


6,034 posts

269 months

Tuesday 8th April 2003
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been told mine holds 7.5 litres,thats with the oil cooler



Original Poster:

488 posts

286 months

Tuesday 8th April 2003
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No oil cooler as far as I know. Have just replaced the rad and didn't see anything that looks like a cooler, so I guess it doesn't have one.

Just seemed a big difference between what the manual says and what it actually holds. I was a bit worried that the dipstick was located wrongly and that it was giving a false reading.

According to the Range Rover Haynes manual, the sump and oil filter combined should hold just over 5.5 litres. Perhaps TVR fitted a larger sump or the vitesse engine is slightly different.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 9th April 2003
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Just a quickie!

How much oil does your engine hold? The 350i handbook for my car said that the sump capacity was 4.5 litres, and I would hazard a guess that the oil filter held a further 0.5 litres.

When I changed the oil at the weekend a good 7 litres went in before the thing was full. In fact, after 5.5 litres it hadn't even started to register on the dipstick.

Does everyone else have to put this much oil into their car?

It can take a few minutes before it registers on the dip stick. This makes it easy to overfill. Might be worth chceking that this is not the case.

There is also a wide variation in sump design and capacity.



3,800 posts

290 months

Wednesday 9th April 2003
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The standard SD1 capacity with no remote filter or cooler is 6ltrs, as every wedge has a remote filter I'd imagine that this adds a bit to this figure and if you've got a cooler then this will add as well.



8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 9th April 2003
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350matt said: The standard SD1 capacity with no remote filter or cooler is 6ltrs, as every wedge has a remote filter I'd imagine that this adds a bit to this figure and if you've got a cooler then this will add as well.


The first few 350s didn't but TVR quickly learned...