Electric Windows on 350i

Electric Windows on 350i



Original Poster:

12 posts

263 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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Had my 350 just under a week and the passenger door window fell out of its seating. Had a look and it is hopelessly corroded (everything else around it looks OK though).

Does anyone have any ideas where to get another seating for the window or new mechanism from? What are they originally off?


26,902 posts

276 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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Which bit(s) is/are rotten?
The channel that the glass slides up and down in is a bit difficult to source. On a FHC car it's a nightmare as it really needs to look tidy as well as support the glass - the appearance isn't so important on a DHC as most of the channels are hidden inside the door.
The glass is held in a rail that has two roller channels underneath it: this stuff is fairly standard and a rummage around a breakers with the old one in your hand ought to turn up something that could be made to work.
The windowlift mechanism is kind of 'special' to TVR: the motors are sealed in epoxy to keep the water out and the operating arms etc. were 'arranged' to work by the factory.
You can sort it with a little ingenuity.



1,844 posts

278 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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I found that the window lift mechanism was almost identical to that from a Rover SDi. I pincehd the internals from a Vanden Plas with electric windows. I'm not sure if i used the rear window mechanism or the front as i looked at all of them in the breakers.

Good hunting,



782 posts

274 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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Try the Tasmin race boys as most have ditched the glass windows. Most are FHC cars but Graham Walden has a DHC and may have some bits. Try the Tasmin race web site or Richard Moore racing. Richard recently broke a 280i FHC I sold him which did have a complete Pasangers side glass and mechanism - not sure how good it was - worth a try - if all else fails e mail me and I'll have a root around in the masses of tut I've got to see if I can locate something (This'll take a while though!!)


Original Poster:

12 posts

263 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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It is the rail that the glass is held in that has corroded away, so off to the breakers I go. Also the roller channels underneath do not appear long enough so the roller runs right out of them!!

I hoped that it may be something that I could get from an auto factors as I have little time to get to the breakers and new speakers etc being fitted shortly so need to get the windows fixed prior to that - obviously I must be still a little naive in thinking it may be a simple order it from Halfords job!! Worth the trouble though.....


989 posts

273 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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You can order the bits to make the window channel/frame out of from places like www.woolies-trim.co.uk. They should extend to the bottom of the (inside of the) door and be bolted to it to keep them in position. This option will involve bending and welding/sticking the bits together but is my plan for mine............
