Clutch problem on horizon ? Wadda U think ?

Clutch problem on horizon ? Wadda U think ?


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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Just been for a run round to blow off the cobwebs after work. Noticed over the past few months that reverse has been a bit of a pain to engage. Now first gear has become very notchy and difficult to engage. The clutch pedal also feels a bit strange. Does something need adjusting or could it be more sinister ?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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If you are lucky it is just a hydraulic problem, however the clutch forks are know to wear/bend and that means and engine out job (or at least and engine/gearbox split). The clutch/fork can be changed by moving the engine forward a few inches on a jack rather than completely removing it.

If it does turn out to be major work get the fork and pivot changed - only a few pounds extra.
