who got the lowest mileage SEAC?

who got the lowest mileage SEAC?



Original Poster:

2,421 posts

280 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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just wondering really, seeing the mileages of those SX cars lately. That 400sx looked amazing, has since been sold. anyone here?


2,190 posts

280 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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I wouln't call mine low milage (appox 50K), it's been enjoyed too much by its previous owners. I can't blame them really


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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The one im going to look at only has 26 thousand miles


513 posts

295 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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When I bought mine, it'd done about 24x, now it's on 43x ... and yes, there's been a grin on me face for every one of 'em


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 4th April 2003
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patrick said: When I bought mine, it'd done about 24x, now it's on 43x ... and yes, there's been a grin on me face for every one of 'em

nice one