More water anyone?

More water anyone?



Original Poster:

70 posts

292 months

Thursday 18th October 2001
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No, not another cooling question.
Something much more mundane, does anyone know how to source a windscreen washer bottle for a 400se?
ie. What car was it lifted from?


36,010 posts

293 months

Friday 19th October 2001
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Looking at Vic Gough
's engine on tvrwedgepage I would be interested as well. Mine is a lot smaller and would like to get a large one (oh god wrong turn of phrase, expect ragging)


Original Poster:

70 posts

292 months

Monday 22nd October 2001
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I'd just like to take this opportunity to state publicly that there is no problem whatsoever with the size of my squirter..........................
It just leaks a bit at the bottom.