450seac for sale

450seac for sale



Original Poster:

11,352 posts

275 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2003
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friend just emailed me to say his SEACs up for sale - £15K for a genuine 25K miler
Sounds good?


1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2003
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Steve where are you!!!!!!!!


1,196 posts

274 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2003
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Hi Gemini,

Would it be possible to e-mail some contact details to myself so that I can pass them onto Steve?
Would this be the same Silver 450 on the York site?




Original Poster:

11,352 posts

275 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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yes and yes


2,190 posts

280 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Steve !


782 posts

274 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Aren't we getting a bit overexcited and overhyping the SEAC and thus it's price!! The SEAC in essence is a 400/450 SE with a different nose! Since 400's can be got for <£8k and 450's for <£10k adding £5k for a nose is alot - why not buy a 450 and get a SEAC nose from TVR - graft on and away you go - in fact some of the SEAC's out there are in fact of this very ilk. I've got a 420SEAC, 450 SEAC, a 350i and a 400SE so can see the differences side by side.
£11k for a good 450 SEAC would be s sensible price.


52 posts

264 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Mr Wilson are you talking bollocks by any chance? I have a hard time believing you own four wedges and also - SEAC's aren't merely a 400 with a different nose cone - which you should know owning 2 but are a composite bodyshell of fibreglass/kevlar. This makes them considerably lighter than the heavy fibreglass wedges. Please prove me wrong as I would be impressed!

>> Edited by 350mk2 on Thursday 3rd April 09:18


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Don't think all were composite etc going by replies on here to other threads but arn't the motors spec somewhat different to the standard 450SE (if standard can be used).
The SEAC edition of sprint listed a few facts but someone has tidied up and I can't find it for reference, drooling etc.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Thursday 3rd April 09:22

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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well the SEAC is different in many areas, body, suspension, interior, shape , apart from doors bonnet and boot every panel is different.
they were expensive to produce the last in 91' was £48,000 new !!
Theres no question about whether they are different . there's always the argument for whether they are better than the other models ???
IMO the extra price is justified.
BTW Where is Steve ?



6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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gwilson said: Chaps,
Aren't we getting a bit overexcited and overhyping the SEAC and thus it's price!! The SEAC in essence is a 400/450 SE with a different nose! Since 400's can be got for <£8k and 450's for <£10k adding £5k for a nose is alot - why not buy a 450 and get a SEAC nose from TVR - graft on and away you go - in fact some of the SEAC's out there are in fact of this very ilk. I've got a 420SEAC, 450 SEAC, a 350i and a 400SE so can see the differences side by side.
£11k for a good 450 SEAC would be s sensible price.

sounds like Bollocks to me . If you own / have owned 4 wedges, you would know the differences, and the difference in specs / performance, price tags etc.

Incidently, Just had my wedge (400SE) Valued ... £14,000 Im a happy bunny


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Found the SEAC edition of sprint and there is a report from a new owner of 450 TVR. Not the currant owner I think?
Also snippets from the edition, the 420 racer was banned after winning 19 out of 24 races. Why?
Sprint also says SEAC 2 inches wider and 7 shorter than a 390

>> Edited by jmorgan on Thursday 3rd April 10:48


2,124 posts

290 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Anyone got a link to the car on the York site?


52 posts

264 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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If you dig on Geminis profile there is a link in there.


21,563 posts

295 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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When you look around the SEAC - it is very different
to the 400 / 450.

Whether it's worth X more than a 400 / 450 - well
that's really down to the buyer.

I bought mine in October 2002 and for the same money
or just a little more - I could have bought a Griff 500
(P, R, S plate) or a Cerbera 4.2.

I have already had a Griff 500 - so done that and knew
just how much money you need to keep a Cerbera running
- so the SEAC was a nice change as I really like Big Wedges.

They do seem to keep their price well - but as all cars they are only worth what someone wants to pay.

Their rarity and history value also help to keep the
price up.

My car new was £43,000 - quite expensive for 1989 !

If ultimate performance per pound is the goal then a
Cerbera would be better but the Wedge does attract
a lot of attention and is totally unique, plus the
roof comes off !!

Roll on Summer & Le Mans.


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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AndyM said: Steve where are you!!!!!!!!

steve is here


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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gwilson said: Chaps,
Aren't we getting a bit overexcited and overhyping the SEAC and thus it's price!! The SEAC in essence is a 400/450 SE with a different nose! Since 400's can be got for <£8k and 450's for <£10k adding £5k for a nose is alot - why not buy a 450 and get a SEAC nose from TVR - graft on and away you go - in fact some of the SEAC's out there are in fact of this very ilk. I've got a 420SEAC, 450 SEAC, a 350i and a 400SE so can see the differences side by side.
£11k for a good 450 SEAC would be s sensible price.

I will give you 11 grand for your 450 seac, if its low mileage,good condition, and genuine?

>> Edited by stainless_steve on Thursday 3rd April 18:57


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Gemini ,
Have we any more details on the car yet?


1,196 posts

274 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Glad to see you are back, now go buy the SEAC !!

ps check your e-mail.



6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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gwilson said: Chaps,
Aren't we getting a bit overexcited and overhyping the SEAC and thus it's price!! The SEAC in essence is a 400/450 SE with a different nose! Since 400's can be got for <£8k and 450's for <£10k adding £5k for a nose is alot - why not buy a 450 and get a SEAC nose from TVR - graft on and away you go - in fact some of the SEAC's out there are in fact of this very ilk. I've got a 420SEAC, 450 SEAC, a 350i and a 400SE so can see the differences side by side.
£11k for a good 450 SEAC would be s sensible price.

Are you trying to fake afew seac's?, is that why you were after a rear spoiler awhile ago?


6,034 posts

269 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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AndyM said: Glad to see you are back, now go buy the SEAC !!

ps check your e-mail.


brb got to phone the wife