Injectors and the Flapper Control

Injectors and the Flapper Control



Original Poster:

782 posts

274 months

Tuesday 1st April 2003
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Assistence please. Just fitting a 4.6 (300ish hp) late engine to my Wedge. It's got the standard multi-belt front end distirbutor front cover and has a flapper (Jag) air meter and 4CU controller (eventually with a proper chip).
Quetsion? Will the Flapper (4CU) Controller drive the standard Range Rover (originally Gems EMS) Engines injectors or do I need to run the 350i early items or other. Ideas?


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2003
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First problem is that the standard injectors are low voltage and need a resistor pack. The Later ones are direct drive. Get this wrong and firworks and dead electronics will result.

Next problem is that the ECU will need to be adapted/set up for different injector flow as the system is open loop and not closed loop.



Original Poster:

782 posts

274 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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Hi Steve,
Thus what's the solution. Buy some Jag injectors as per your previous 390 engine and will these deliver enough juice for 300 hp?


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 3rd April 2003
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I think you should talk to Mark Adams because I am not sure that the Jag injectors and the set up will support the 300 bhp. As injectors are about £320 a set, you need to get this right.

It certainly worked fine on mine but I was not near 300 bhp. The flapper meter could well be another limitation.

Give Mark a call and he should be able to advise you.