Bruntingthorpe track day

Bruntingthorpe track day



Original Poster:

488 posts

286 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Just got back from the Bruntingthorpe track day. There were some nice wedges there. 2 white 450se's (I think they were 450's) which were putting in some seriously impressive lap times and could be heard miles away! Also a couple of Tasmins FHC's (one orange and a red racer) making a good name for the wedges. Did any of these belong to you? I took my 350i down (green and silver) just to spectate as its only been on the road for 2 days and needs "running in". Still went for a blast down the runway though at the end!

I think its happening again on the 24th of May and will probably enter next time.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Was there a noise limit? Guess not if a couple of big Wedges were scaring the next county

>> Edited by jmorgan on Saturday 29th March 22:06


6,025 posts

294 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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I didnt go to this as I wasnt sure about the noise restrictions etc..and eventually ended up being oncall anyway.

Still, Managed a whopping 140+ on my way Back from Macro this afternoon. (On my own private piece of road you understand!)


Original Poster:

488 posts

286 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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No noise limit, and to be honest the whole day was very relaxed. I was only spectating but spent a lot of time in the pits with friends who were racing. The marshalls were very fair and seemed to have an "anything goes" attitude as long as nobody was silly. Made for a very relaxed atmosphere.

Some of the cars obviously had little or no exhaust baffling and nothing was said. The track is set in the middle of nowhere so I guess noise wasn't really an issue.

One Tuscan driver lost control at the end of the main straight and managed to get his car perfectly balanced on a concrete kerb running underneath the length of his car, wheels dangling. No real damage I don't think as the car carried on with the day once it had been "lifted" back onto the track.

The only casualty was a Tuscan S, which I think was the TMS demonstrator. The clouds of white smoke indicated that the engine had self destructed on the 2 mile sprint.

They don't make um like they used to!


9 posts

280 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Mine was the G reg 450SE today,seemed to be going well just needs the driver coming up to scratch, better get some driving tuition sorted i think?.My observations for what it's worth, are that it was a very well run day and a credit to the marshalls and organisers of the event.

Regards Carl


534 posts

295 months

Sunday 30th March 2003
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digga951 said: The only casualty was a Tuscan S, which I think was the TMS demonstrator. The clouds of white smoke indicated that the engine had self destructed on the 2 mile sprint.

I'm glad I drove that quite early in the day then

I have to say that the wedge is going to seem a bit sluggish after driving the Tuscan S. Got it to 140 down the small straight section they were using for the demo area

Ian V

1,817 posts

279 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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I too was there with my black 400se, only as a spectator though. Quite enjoyable, although I thought that they could have done with a few more trade stands etc to keep the punters entertained. I too had a test drive in the Tuscan S. All I can say is I WANT ONE ! I thought the wedge was fast, but this was something else.


16,371 posts

295 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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The red racer would have been Jack Acres, known affectionatly to the racers as Grandad ....

I was hoping to get topless Taz there but im still recovering from brake failure going into OLD HALL at Oulton park the other weekend... SHould be back out at Binbrook (Lincs) on the 19th


>> Edited by Graham on Monday 31st March 10:14


14,622 posts

270 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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12,712 posts

291 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Excellent piccies Joust


14,622 posts

270 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Thanks - if anyone wants the full size originals to print out email me and I'll email them back.