The speed of Wedge

The speed of Wedge


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Took a mate out the other evening for a quick blast before T. We were on a nice, quiet bit of road so we decided to do a couple of fastish .... runs to 60mph. Just for a laugh to see how fast we could do it. Now I've just got a couple of new tyres on the back so I was taking it pretty easy. So he set his stopwatch. Shouted go and off we went. First run was 5 seconds dead and the secoond was 5.13 seconds ! I honestly expected it to be as high as 7 because I did'nt seem to set off that fast !! Anyone else done this ?


354 posts

268 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Did the same thing a few weeks ago - standard 350i. First run 5.7 second 5.5 (was really trying) third run 5.9. Fourth run "two pints of tanglefoot please".


6,025 posts

294 months

Sunday 30th March 2003
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can do 5.0 no problem in mine .. have seen middle 4's but that was with hot tyres on a hot summers day


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Havn't a clue but playing with some newer machinery at Duxford threw up some interesting questions
Whilst making progress the missis can't reach the glove box


26,902 posts

276 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Divvent want to widdle on naebody's bondie, like though but, but have yezz considdad that yuzz've got TVR speedos and that, what'll probably be telling yer porky pies and yuzz've really only been deeing 0-45 in that time? I wivvent trust my 390 speedo as far as ah could hoy it, ah'll tell thee now like though but and that. If ah had a fishy on a lttle dishy, ah'd gee'yit nae botha.


Edited 'cos wor cannat spell 'deeing' propa.

>> Edited by wedg1e on Monday 31st March 02:11

nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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wedg1e, you been on "The Juice" mate ?


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Tablets not strong enough Wedgie ?


14,949 posts

281 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Been at the Hammerite thinners again Wedgie?


26,902 posts

276 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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Howay marras: cannat yuzz not undastand tha northern dilect or summat?

I may have partaken of the forbidden fruit of Finnegans: what of it?



1,820 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2003
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I agree with the speedo not being accurate.
My speedo can't keep up with the acceleration!
Tricky when accelerating past Gatso-meters.
And it is only a 350i, but I think my speedo-cable needs a greasing excercise (Where is that greasing nipple..)
