


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Under heavy accelation my 400se has a bad vibration at the back. The driveshafts UJ's have been replaced, and the propshaft UJ's were replaced yesterday by Offord, and although its slighty better, its still there. Any thoughts ?


14,949 posts

281 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Wheel bearings? suspension bushes? diff beam? Diff bearings? Diff bushes? The list is endless!

Andy 400se


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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at my last service I had my Driveshafts balanced, and wheel bearings replaced. It made a hell of a difference.


21,563 posts

295 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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you could have a buckled wheel...

move a back wheel to the front and spin it and see if
it looks OK.

Any problem should be obvious !


1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Ian, is this something that has just started to happen, got gradually worse or always been there?
There was a thread a few weeks back about vibration at higher speeds and it seems no one has got to the bottom of this yet. Otherwise it could be one of a number of things already suggested.

Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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The problem has always been there, but I've only now started to try and resolve it. As I said the driveshafts were done at the factory last October, and the prop yesterday. I am going to reverse the wheels ie front on back etc to see if this helps. I'll keep you posted.


3,800 posts

290 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Does this happen at 80Mphish and not present either side of that speed?
If so its the Diff and theres nothing wrong with it, nothing wrong with your car , 80% of wedges do it and most of the XJS's fitted with this diff also did it. At one point Jaguar stopped fitting this diff because of this 'problem'. Check the oil level check your chassis for cracks and wobbly bushes if all OK just drive it and get used to it.



27 posts

272 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Have got exactly the same symptom on my 350 s2, just about to check prop balance and u/js , car has done it from day one of ownership !!