Oil pressure gauge

Oil pressure gauge



Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Somebody please help. Just brought my first Tiv and the oil pressure gauge doesn't work. I know that it's not an earth fault etc, as when I brought it from anntas she had already tried that and told me that I need a new one. So does anyone know of where I could get 1 from? I live in Essex, so I may also need someone 2 fit it 4 me as well.


jeff m

4,061 posts

269 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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I live in Essex, so I may need someone to fit it for me!
Sorry Mark, I just found it amusing, I'm from Essex too, no offence eh.
Anyway it's probably a VDO guage (unless it's a real early car.
The sender sends a resistive ground (earth) to the guage. Test it again before you buy a guage. Ignition on, pull wire off sender and ground it, get somebody to watch the gauge. If it flies up and down as you ground the sender wire it's not the guage.
Sender is left side low on the block just to the rear of a 1 inch water hose.

jeff m

4,061 posts

269 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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The guage # could/should be 025N 052A


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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jeff m said: The guage # could/should be 025N 052A

Jeff do you wear an anorack and always carry a notebook ? ... even I didnt know that !!!


53 posts

264 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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On a slightly different note, does anyone know the thread type of the presure sensor and adapter?.
i just had the adapter crack on my wedge and i need a replacement.
any ideas?