


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Does anyone know of anyone in the Essex area who can re-calibrate a speedo from a 1980 Tasmin 280i? It's about 20 or so mph out, so I don't fancy being caught speeding! I don't think that it's the cable, as the needle remains steady whilst driving. Any help and advice much appreciated.



14,949 posts

281 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Ever considered that the speedo is Ok and you might just be going THAT fast?
You own a wedge now matey, they look like they are going fast even when parked up!

Andy 400se

>> Edited by andymadmak on Tuesday 25th March 21:07


354 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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If you don't fancy being caught speeding - buy an ordinary car like a BMW or some other such rubbish. I bet you will want a V8 soon tho! Went for a blat today - sheer magic!


989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Not remotely near Essex but do mail order quite happily if you can be without it for a few days.


I sent my Wedges SW speedo there as it didn't work at all, was also recalibrated according to various measurements he requested from the car.

Quick turnaround and it's now accurate.


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Certainly don't want 2 buy a BMW - can't stand the things! Besides which my ordinary car is a Ford Escort. I'm certainly not one 4 speeding or driving about like a complete looney - Hence the reason I need a correctly working speedo. Never had a car this powerful b4, so having a working 1 would help my confidence a bit. Also no good at guessing what speed I'm doing by looking at the rev-counter.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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You could try and adjust it yourself. I have done speedos on another cars - there was an adjuster lever a bit like a regulator on a mechanical clock.



Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Hi york33. Will try and give them a call and see what they say.

Danny - thanks 4 the tip. Not sure if I will b able 2 adjust it myself as unfortunately I'm not very mechanically minded. Therefore I wouldn't even know where 2 start/look! Hope 2 get Steve Heath's bible as a birthday present as that would b a great help.

Thanks 4 the help so far.



354 posts

268 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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I expect that the answer may be to have it either reconditioned or recalibrated. There are plenty of ads for this type of service in the back of classic mags such as 'Practical Classic' although a TVR aint one of those.....Thank god

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Congrats on the new addition to the family, hope she doesn't keep you up too many nights

I don't have a working speedo or fuel gauge on my 280 at the moment....not a good combination

Just use the tacho. I find about 4500rpm in third is sufficient around town