nasty horrible black wires, grrrrrrrrrrrrr

nasty horrible black wires, grrrrrrrrrrrrr



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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So then, do my reverse lights really have to work to get an MOT? cos they won't :-( I might have to get a special MOT at this rate! Eventually fixed(aka bodged) my old switch as the nice shiny new one I bought is completely different, useful :-( There's not another switch in the gearbox I'm confusing it with is there?

On a more positive note she loved getting washed and waxed and looks gorgeous, phoar :-)


PS 280i, 4speed box with 'kin horrible black spaghetti


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Hi Dave,

Hows it goin'. Glad to see you are making good progress.

I found the black wiring to be of great advantage to me on my old 280.

1/ I am colour blind !!

2/ You can confidently tell the auto electrician that it is the black wire causing the electrical fault you are experiencing !!

Would like to see your 280 when she is on the road again.



PS Where is the 280 for £500.00, is it a coupe or drop head ?


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Well, depending on whether my reverse light must be working (??) she's going reasonably well. I'm hoping it's optional and may go check with MOT place as they're helpful in the place I go to!

She may go for a cheeky brmmmmm t'moz to get 4 new tyres. Driving to a place to have work done to comply with the regulations, think that's legal :-)

The 280i is 163 miles from me, dunno which way, YO10 postcode! Described as:

1980 TVR TASMIN 2.8i FHC
Very sad 2.8i Tasmin FHC needs good home for spares or repair. Stood on bricks for long time but will still roll. Call for more details. Gold. 84198 miles. £500.

I want her :-(


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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My reverse lights don't work and it passed the MOT. No bulbs. Not required for a pass.


6,980 posts

274 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Just to confirm you don't need reversing lights for an MOT - mine haven't worked for almsot 2 years! Really must get around to fixing them soon......


11,352 posts

275 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Dave be seeing you at the TVR meet then?


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Slightly O/T
One thing I did get caught out on was the fogs. As they are on the same switch as the main beam they have to work, dodgy bulb holder ment I failed. If they are on a seperate switch then they are not counted/tested.


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Ahhhhh, so I don't need them then, fantastic :-) I never really liked them anyway, thanks

Hmmm, the foglight might be a good point, mine are wired to a separate switch, completely forgot about the need for a tell tale lamp, haven't spotted indicators need a tell tale too, I have one for going right but not for left?!?

Rich, assuming all goes to plan I'm booking her in for an MOT a week on Saturday. Should make the meeting if she passes, if not, I'll be sulking :-(


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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Off etc
Also here

Bit bored so googled for a while.


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
quotequote all
that second site is quite good, cheers :-)

I might go and try to fix them I guess. May also put some oil in my gearbox as there's none in there, hope she hasn't gone too far like that in her murky past!

then again, it's a lovely day and I fancy a BBQ, need to do something useful with my week off :-)


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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2 steps forward, 3 steps back........

Turns out that neither gearbox nor diff had any oil in, now had a good drink and must be much happier.

Took dash off again, found missing earth wire on indicator lamp, soldered, killed bulb and am bu$$ered if I can find them in the usual elastic trickery shops! Might try Maplin I guess.

To make things worse, 4 $$$$ salesmen came round today trying to get me to either buy their gas or fill out their surveys, grrrrrrrrrrr, almost be glad to be back at work next week, almost!


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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oh burger! Fix two things and now find something else that doesn't work, I'm half wishing I'd rewired the whole lot now! Dash mounted brake warning light is functioning sub-optimally or simply not functioning! GRRRRRRRRRR!

Now I may be going blind but I can't see any mention of this light or the connections to the master cylinder and the handbrake...........?