My first TVR

My first TVR



Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Hi all. Just 2 let u know that I purchased my first TVR last Friday (21st). It is a 1980 Tasmin 280i in Rosso Red. Great fun 2 drive. Had my first proper run out in her yesterday, joined by ads in his Chimaera. By the way, the car has been previously owned by both flasher and anntas and has been very well looked after. Looking forward 2 attending some PH meetings in it and also most TVRCC Essex meets.


46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Cool... see you at the Essex meet then... next one is April 13th... starts around 12:30...


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Hi Podie. Don't know if I will be able 2 attend the 13th April meeting, as I don't know yet if I'm working or not. Prob won't be, so hopefully I will get 2 see/meet u there.


14,949 posts

281 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Congrats and welcome to the club!

It's a lifestyle choice ya know!

Andy 400se


805 posts

277 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Nice one.
best wishes,


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Ahhh, I remember when I bought my 280, I was king of the road driving it home. The noise, the looks you got from other road users, the power (well it was the most powerful car I had driven at the time), the bits falling off..............

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of wedges, there is no going back !!!! You have been warned !!




19,928 posts

277 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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Well done Nutter! I remember the feeling when I first bought my Wedge about 5 or 6 years ago. Mega. I couldn't stop going to sit in it at night. Enjoy it mate and may it be your first of several.

the dodger

2,376 posts

274 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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Podie said: Cool... see you at the Essex meet then... next one is April 13th... starts around 12:30...

Another one for the convoy then Rubber Duck!


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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Podie and the dodger. Good news - I will b able 2 attend April's Mid-Essex meeting! Not sure exactly of the best way of getting there? I live in south Essex, which would be the best way guys? Could follow u both up - email me via profile and hopefully we can sort something out.


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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Well done. Now come the bills....polish, best shampoo,fine chamois, vintage BP and sleepless nights before a run out with others on a fine day.
Oh and shiny bits. Must have shiny bits


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Err, I was trying 2 not 2 think about the bills! As it's my birthday tomorrow , I'm hoping that everyone else will buy all that 4 me


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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Nice bills, polish and stuff.


55 posts

275 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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I've washed and waxed that particular beastie a couple of times when Ann was good enough to let me borrow it for PH meets. She cleans up very nicely.... and so does the Tasmin!!! (Only joking Ann!!)


6,025 posts

294 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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naughty ....

well done on the purchase. your bank account will forever be empty, but you will have a smile on your face !


488 posts

286 months

Saturday 29th March 2003
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When you talk about the Essex meet, I take it you mean the Mid Essex one at the Forresters? I normally attend in my 350i, so I guess the Wedges are gradually making themselves known again. I used to think I was the only person who owned one not so long ago! Anyway, glad you've found a car that you enjoy and look forward to seeing you at on the 13th.


Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Sunday 30th March 2003
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Yes I do mean the Mid Essex meet at the Forresters. I look forward 2 seeing everyone there.



Original Poster:

1,404 posts

265 months

Sunday 30th March 2003
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StuntMonkey said: I've washed and waxed that particular beastie a couple of times when Ann was good enough to let me borrow it for PH meets. She cleans up very nicely.... and so does the Tasmin!!! (Only joking Ann!!)

I'm not going 2 comment on that one, otherwise I will be in trouble with both Ann and Rob!


10 posts

275 months

Monday 31st March 2003
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StuntMonkey said: I've washed and waxed that particular beastie a couple of times when Ann was good enough to let me borrow it for PH meets. She cleans up very nicely.... and so does the Tasmin!!! (Only joking Ann!!)

Cheers Dave! You know I love a good wax and polish!!