Hi all. Just 2 let u know that I purchased my first TVR last Friday (21st). It is a 1980 Tasmin 280i in Rosso Red. Great fun 2 drive. Had my first proper run out in her yesterday, joined by ads in his Chimaera. By the way, the car has been previously owned by both flasher and anntas and has been very well looked after. Looking forward 2 attending some PH meetings in it and also most TVRCC Essex meets.

Ahhh, I remember when I bought my 280, I was king of the road driving it home. The noise, the looks you got from other road users, the power (well it was the most powerful car I had driven at the time), the bits falling off..............
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of wedges, there is no going back !!!! You have been warned !!
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of wedges, there is no going back !!!! You have been warned !!

Podie and the dodger. Good news - I will b able 2 attend April's Mid-Essex meeting! Not sure exactly of the best way of getting there? I live in south Essex, which would be the best way guys? Could follow u both up - email me via profile and hopefully we can sort something out.
When you talk about the Essex meet, I take it you mean the Mid Essex one at the Forresters? I normally attend in my 350i, so I guess the Wedges are gradually making themselves known again. I used to think I was the only person who owned one not so long ago! Anyway, glad you've found a car that you enjoy and look forward to seeing you at on the 13th.
When you talk about the Essex meet, I take it you mean the Mid Essex one at the Forresters? I normally attend in my 350i, so I guess the Wedges are gradually making themselves known again. I used to think I was the only person who owned one not so long ago! Anyway, glad you've found a car that you enjoy and look forward to seeing you at on the 13th.
StuntMonkey said: I've washed and waxed that particular beastie a couple of times when Ann was good enough to let me borrow it for PH meets. She cleans up very nicely.... and so does the Tasmin!!!(Only joking Ann!!)
I'm not going 2 comment on that one, otherwise I will be in trouble with both Ann and Rob!
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