CSA wheels

CSA wheels



Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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I have read previous messages on here saying aftermarket wheels don't look any good on a wedge - well how about these CSA one's from Australia - I think they look the bollocks. Obviously they probably aren't in production now but if you could pick up a second hand set it would be cool. Anyone got some of these in their garage gathering dust? (Unlikely but I had to try!!)

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th March 2003
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They look like the wheels fitted to some Mercs


829 posts

270 months

Wednesday 26th March 2003
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I think the AMG Mercs of the 80's/early 90's had this style, especially the 190's.
cheers Al.

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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Mine are Australian too, and have the correct offset. Also, no more trying to get the dirt out of the lattice in the factory wheels.

How do you attach a picture to emails??


Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Thursday 27th March 2003
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If it is a picture off the net you just cut and paste the address from the address bar. If it is a picture of your own it is a bit more complex I think. You will have to save the picture to a directory on the net somewhere I think, like Yahoo! pictures. Unless you can upload through pistonheads somehow?

the dodger

2,376 posts

274 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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Yep, I had those wheels on a 190E in about 1992. They were replicas of something, bought at a tyre and wheel shop and also did them in anthracite colour. Look good on that wedge tho'.


1,223 posts

271 months

Friday 28th March 2003
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They look much like the 16" Revolution wheels on my 280. Grady