help wanted

help wanted



Original Poster:

1 posts

264 months

Monday 24th March 2003
quotequote all
just bought a chimera 5.oo 2000 reg w644wrw with 6k on
the clock with no history can anyone help with where i might be able to obtain it
please mail me


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 24th March 2003
quotequote all

just bought a chimera 5.oo 2000 reg w644wrw with 6k on
the clock with no history can anyone help with where i might be able to obtain it
please mail me

Nick, any more infomation ? Where did you buy it from ? dealer / private ?
If you contact the DVLA you can get copies of all previous V5's to help research your car. I assume that a 2000 car will not have had that many owners though


36,010 posts

295 months

Monday 24th March 2003
quotequote all
HPI as well if you havn't already done it.
Might also get more joy in the Chimera section.


52 posts

264 months

Monday 24th March 2003
quotequote all
Contact the previous owners off the log book. If no log book try doing the below as I am doing with my car:

The registered keeper of a vehicle is entitled to a history of previous
keepers’ names and addresses. The request should be made in writing to the
address below and be accompanied by a cheque or postal order for £5.00 per
vehicle made payable to DVLA, Swansea.

Information From Records
SA99 1AJ