fiberglass repair

fiberglass repair



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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looking over my car, i think its time for a paint job. however i have noticed in a few spots some very small stress crack in the fiber glass. how would you go about repairing them, and what kind of fiberglass filler would you use inplace? im guessing you would kind of sand or grind out the areas that have the cracks and simpally fill them in. and i close?


805 posts

277 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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I asked the same question to Trevor at TET mouldings.
His advice as I remember, was to grind the crack out fully (I found one of those Dermmell (sp?) multi tool things good for this), make up some fibreglass paste with resin and bits of matting (I used the ready mixed U-Pol stuff which he said was fine) and fill it.
He did say that putting a bit if resin into the newly sanded out area before filling was a good idea and the key was to get some extra strength into the area from behind by applying fibre glass there also.
This is easily done around the headlights with the pods removed. Around the fuel filler cap is also fine if you strip out some of the interior.


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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On a slighty different note I read a book on fibre glass repair etc. It featured TVR a lot and must have been from the Wedge days. It showed a Wedge just out of the mold but being filled with finishing filler. Quite a lot of it to smooth out the blemishes. Can't find it now but I think it was on early Wedges