Snapped a-frame tie rod

Snapped a-frame tie rod



Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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Hope someone can help, I have a 1986 350i fitted with AVO shocks and compliance bushes. The suspension is pretty rigid as you can imagine and unfortunately today I managed to snap a tie rod! It has sheared through the centre. I have leafed through the "bible" and think it is either a mk2 cortina or granada part but I don't know which.
Anyone got any ideas?



6,034 posts

269 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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page 161 of the bible says , to get this bush to fit the smallest of the tie rod ends ,it may need to be reduced in diameter.This difference in size is caused by using a cortina tie rod end instead of the granada id guess on a granada, but i know nothing about these cars , so you better wait for some of the other guys to prove me wrong

sorry not much use Steve

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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Cortina - I think


6,034 posts

269 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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danny hoffman said: Cortina - I think



36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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If you arn't sure then the best bet is take the part to the factors/garage etc if you can remove it and ask for one of them. Mention what you think its of etc. Handy at fords with the micro fiche (?) so you can compare if not sure.


Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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Cheers lads - will take it off asap. Think I will try phoning Wedge Automotive too - see if they have a clue. As Steve said, it is definitely part Granada so that is a start!!


Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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after speaking to Wedge Automotive I have been told it is a factory part. I phoned Harrogate Horseless Carriages, then the factory, who were really helpful and quoted me a total of £103. Bugger!

I would really like someone to tell me that it is in fact a ford part!!!! Please! And if anyone has any of these bits lying around e-mail me at


3,800 posts

290 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Try Mark Hogg on 01923-225-237 he still had some wedge bits for sale.



Original Poster:

52 posts

264 months

Monday 24th March 2003
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Cheers Matt - looks like you have played a blinder as he has the part for a miserly £15 plus p + p. Will probably have to buy some new bushes but looking good.