Nearly lost the bonnet !

Nearly lost the bonnet !



Original Poster:

16 posts

265 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
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All this nice weather were having, so ive been taking the beast out.Yesterday thought id give it a good run clear cobwebs out been on A19 for 10 mins put me foot down bonnet starts to rise on drivers side until the stays stop it from taking off oh S*** .Brakes on v quickley bonnet drops back into place pulls over to have a look,bolt which holds front of bonnet decides to have worked itself out ,lucky bolt was still in the bay.socket set out put it back tight and checked other side.Off i went for a 150 mile drive . So all you wedge owners check them bolts! Neil


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
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Drill them if they are not already (and as I understand it they should be?) and lockwire them in.

Scary though.


2,190 posts

280 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
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Mine aren't lockwired.
At least there are two bolts.......

My ex was driving down the motorway in her Pug 205 when her bonnet flew open. It bent right back and knacked the hinges, bonnet corners and dented the roof. V.lucky not to smash the windscreen. V.lucky full stop!

It turned out her car was missing the little catch; you know, the fiddly one just inside the bonnet you need to release to raise the bonnet more than a couple of inches.


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
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I must admit mine arn't but the last one was for that reason. I check the oil/water before driving every time so have a quick butchers for future troubles at the same time.

I had a Mini do that to me once but was funny in a way. 70 on a dual carrage way and it flew up and hit the drain channel. So I can't see and the bloke overtaking me at the time was trying to point out the bonnet was where it shouldn't be and that I can't see, talk about the bleeding obvious. So followed the kerb whilst slowing down and up onto the verge. Bonnet has buckled in so won't close. I remove it and start jumping up and down on the buckle to reverse it. All cars passing can see is what appears to be Basil Faulty haveing one of his turns jumping up and down

PS really fed up with this flu now, sun's out as well

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 23rd March 2003
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Mine aren't wired - neither were the ones on my previous Wedge.