SUNDA Y RUN.......

SUNDA Y RUN.......



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Friday 21st March 2003
quotequote all
Im planning a run for wedges this sunday to Baghdad, any-one else interested?


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 21st March 2003
quotequote all
Sorry, like I said somewhere else. All flue'd up. Next time. Give my regards.


856 posts

293 months

Friday 21st March 2003
quotequote all
Can you get Optimax out there at the moment? Do you think I should bring my Kevlar flak jacket, in case it rains ?



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
quotequote all
Good point,I suppose if optimax is not available i guess we could adjust the timing, but then we might suffer from pinking, what whith the heat and stuff. Anyone had problems with sand leaking through the door rubbers?


16 posts

265 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
quotequote all
ill pop along to redcar beach let you know in an hour or so