you must be sick of my gearstick by now!

you must be sick of my gearstick by now!



Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Thursday 20th March 2003
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Hello one and all.
Well, thanks to Nigel I now have a gearstick, which is nice :-)

I can now get all forward gears but not reverse. Last time I found it was about 4months ago and it was a little stiff but it's not having any of it now Boo Any cunning ideas before I start to attempt percussion adjustment on it? I've got next week off and was hoping (vainly) to get her MOT'd......


PS 4speed 280i


Original Poster:

989 posts

273 months

Saturday 22nd March 2003
quotequote all

Well, who went and moved bl$$dy reverse gear from where I thought it was to where it actually is

Yes, you may all laugh at my foolishness now, it's left and down not left and up! DOH!

Started her up today for the fist time in a few months. First turn of the key Brmmmmmmm :-) Goes forward AND backward now. Appear to have sprung a coolant leak but never mind.

I'm off to find a now